Fyrisån, Flottsund

Country: Sweden
National Station ID: 258309
Station name: Fyrisån Flottsund
Catchment area: 1968.99 km²
Soil type in catchment: moraine 37.90%, rock and thin soils 8.87%, peat 10.88%, straified drift 0.65%, coarse soil 1.48%, fine soil 10.93%, impermeable 2.20%, sand 0.03%, loamy sand 0.80%, sandy loam 0.49%, loam 2.35%, silt loam 0.80%, sandy clay loam 0.20%, clay loam 8.38%, silty clay loam 3.14%, silty clay 7.99%, clay 1.30%
Land use in catchment: forest 51.50%, clear cut 3.22%, agricultural land 25.49%, urban areas 3.28%, open land 8.26%, wetland 6.63%, lakes & streams 1.61%
Catchment data source: SMHI, s-hype2022_version_2022a_1.0.0

Note! Potential outliers are omitted from the plots based on 3 standard deviations during 1 day. For details on method see section "2.3.1. Quality control" in publication.